حاجة المملكة العربية السعودية لتدريب الاشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في مجالات تلبي احتياجات سوق العمل المتجددة
The Saudi Arabian Need to Train People With Disabilities in Areas That Meet the Demand of The Renewable Labor Market
Technical Education, Disability, Special Education, the Handicapped, TrainingAbstract
The number of male and female students with disabilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who have reached the age of training and qualification is constantly increasing. However، the opportunities available to them to complete their studies and live in the community as active and self-reliant members are very limited. The suffering of this important group in society varies from the lack of training at all to the lack of sufficient seats to train all the disabled due to the institutions limitations and overcrowding of trainees. Therefore، and in an attempt to solve this problem، The General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training (TVTC) conducted this study that sought to identify appropriate training areas for the disabled. This study benefits from the experiences of developed countries and international companies that have a long history in this regard. It tries to identify possible areas for employing the disabled after training. The study came out with many recommendations، perhaps the most important of which is the division of the disabled training into three categories: training for people with disabilities supported by disability insurance، integration and remedial rehabilitation. The study also came out with several specializations that some of the disabled can perform; such as computer operation، accounting for some disabilities، and call centers inquiries or hotel reception for other disabilities. The study also focused on the importance of providing an appropriate environment for the training of the disabled، which has a great role in developing his talents and acceptance of trying to learn and qualify.
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Taḥdiyāt Taclīm Dhawī al-Iḥtiyājāt al-Khāssah Fī Madāris Barīṭāniyā al-Isticānah Bitarbawiyyīn Mukhtasīn Liwadci Ahdāf wa Barāmij Mala’imāh-Saḥīfah al-Syarq al-Awsaṭ, 26/3/1439h
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