The Malayan Emergency Leaflets: Its Roles and Effects in The “Psychological War” against Communism during The Malayan Emergency Period

Risalah Darurat: Peranan Dan Kesannya Terhadap “ Perang Saraf” Dalam Melawan Komunis Semasa Zaman Darurat Di Tanah Melayu


  • Asyiqah Binti Mohamad Jamil IIUM


Malayan Emergency Leaflets, communist, propaganda, Malaya


During the Second World War period, the propaganda leaflets are widely utilized by the Japanese and Allied Powers to spread their propaganda in their colonial sphere. In the case of Malaya, the British eventually has decided to use the same method to fight against the communist insurgency by 1950. This method is also known as a part of ‘Perang Saraf' throughout the Malayan Emergency period. Upon the Emergency leaflets distribution all over Malaya, many insurgents and civilians were convinced to cooperate to end the terror. This study, therefore, attempts to analyze the British modus operandi in the 'Psychological War' within the Malayan Emergency period. Besides, it is crucial to re-examine the contents and the purposes of the Emergency Leaflets from different perspectives. As a result, the distribution of the Emergency leaflets has eradicated the influences of communism. Hence, it had increased the cooperation of its insurgents, spies, and civilians with authority. This paper utilizes sources like the Emergency Leaflets samples, the British Military Administration records, colonial period newspapers, articles journal, and books related to the issue. Finally, this paper will hopefully contribute towards the understanding of the ‘Psychological War’ as an essential method of saving the energy, expenses, and most importantly, the lives of innocent civilians.


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CO 537/3688: Local Defence Committee, Kuala Lumpur, ‘A paper on the dimension and nature of the security problem confronting the government of the Federation of Malaya’, 16 Sept, 1948.

CO 717/170/1; FARELF sitrep 41, 15-21 April 1949

CO 717/170/2; FARELF sitrep 43, 29 April May 1949

CO 717/173/1: Telegram from OAG to Sec. of State, 4 Aug. 1948

CO 717/173/1: Telegram from OAG to Sec. of State, 25 Sept.1948

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INF. 2155/1953 Leaflet No. 2035: To Min Yuen of So-Called Heroic Area of Malacca

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_____ Leaflet No. 4580/HPWS/167A: Important Announcement to MCP Personnel by the Prime Minister of Independent Malaya.

_____ Leaflet No. 4786/HPWS/181: This Merdeka Offer is Now Extended to the 30th

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How to Cite

Asyiqah Binti Mohamad Jamil. (2021). The Malayan Emergency Leaflets: Its Roles and Effects in The “Psychological War” against Communism during The Malayan Emergency Period: Risalah Darurat: Peranan Dan Kesannya Terhadap “ Perang Saraf” Dalam Melawan Komunis Semasa Zaman Darurat Di Tanah Melayu. The Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah Journal (JSASS), 8(1), 37-48. Retrieved from