Sayyid Qutb’s Views on Women In Tafsir fi Zilal al-Quran: An Analysis
Pandangan Sayyid Qutb Tentang Wanita dalam Tafsir fi Zilal al-Quran: Satu Analisa
Women in Islam, Sayyid Qutb, Women in SocietyAbstract
The position of women in Muslim societies is a controversial topic of numerous debates and extensive literature. Matters about hijab, women's position as second class as well as the role of women in the family is among arguments that is thrown by critics to show that Islam degrades the women's position. Similar allegations, however, said to Sayyid Qutb, who has been recognized as the greatest innovator in Islamic thought in the twentieth century as well as a commonly misunderstood Islamic scholar. This article will look at this accusation against Sayyid Qutb objectively through investigating his original works to reveal his real views on the topics. The result shows that Sayyid Qutb views on women are constant throughout his entire literature writings and he can sustain and defend his sympathy to women in this era, and try to better their condition by the way back to the fundamentals of Islam.
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