Analisis keperluan aplikasi kosa kata bahasa Arab komunikasi dalam pembelajaran

Analysis of needs Arabic communication vocabulary application in learning


  • Muhamad Khairul Anuar Zulkepli UiTM Kedah
  • Burhanuddin Wahab UiTM
  • Ahmad Fauzi Yahaya UiTM
  • Mohd Zulkhairi Abd Hamid UiTM
  • Norhayuza Mohamad UiTM


Application, vocabulary, arabic language, learning, student


Learning technology is learning with the concept of technology, and it is now growing in this

era of modernization and continuing to spread in the world of vocabulary learning, especially in Arabic, with a variety of platforms and the latest technology such as applications, prototypes, and so on. Motivation and interest in Arabi c vocabulary can be gained through prototyping. To cultivate motivation and a sense of interest, educators must create learning platforms that appeal to the current generation. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the application need of communication Arabic vocabulary in learning at UiTM Kedah. This is quantitative study uses questionnaire as primary source of data. A total of 144 respondents took Arabic subject code TAC401. Data were analysed using SPSS version 28 software to measure the level of respondents' needs. The results of the analysis show a high degree of interpretation to develop an application as support in learning Arabic vocabulary, and the implications of this study provide a contribution to learning aids as a new platform for UiTM students to learn Arabic vocabulary.


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How to Cite

Zulkepli, M. K. A., Burhanuddin Wahab, Ahmad Fauzi Yahaya, Mohd Zulkhairi Abd Hamid, & Norhayuza Mohamad. (2023). Analisis keperluan aplikasi kosa kata bahasa Arab komunikasi dalam pembelajaran: Analysis of needs Arabic communication vocabulary application in learning. The Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah Journal (JSASS), 10(2), 110-120. Retrieved from