Jantina dan kecerdasan emosi: Literatur bersistematik

Sex and emotional intelligence: A systematic literature


literatur bersistematik, kecerdasan emosi, gender


Kecerdasan emosi merupakan satu set kebolehan berhubung dengan persepsi, mengguna, memahami dan mengurus emosi diri sendiri atau orang lain. Kecerdasan emosi memerlukan penyesuaian psikososial yang lebih baik dan kecekapan sosial. Kajian-kajian empirikal menunjukkan bahawa lelaki dan perempuan adalah berbeza dari segi kecerdasan emosi dan kecekapan sosial. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara sistematik berdasarkan kajian-kajian lepas tentang perbezaan kecerdasan emosi mengikut jantina. Pencarian artikel dimulakan dengan menggunakan pencarian enjin laman sesawang seperti PsycINFO, Scopus, Google Scholar dan SagePub. Hasil pencarian tersebut, 12 kajian sahaja yang memenuhi kriteria kajian ini. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan lapan daripada 12 kajian mendapati bahawa perempuan mempunyai tahap kecerdasan emosi yang lebih baik berbanding lelaki. Perbincangan hasil kajian menjurus kepada kajian masa depan yang berkaitan dengan peranan jantina dan lain-lain faktor dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan emosi.



Emotional intelligence is a set of abilities for perceiving, using, understanding, and managing emotions in themselves and other people. Emotional intelligence has been associated with a better psychosocial adjustment and social competence. Empirical studies showed that men and women differed in terms of emotional adjustment and social competence. The purpose of this study was to systematically review available evidence on sex differences in emotional intelligence. PsycINFO, Scopus, Google Scholar, and SagePub were searched on relevant articles in English and only 12 eligible studies were identified. Of 12 studies, only eight studies were met for the study criteria. Results showed that more than half studies reported that female’s scores high in emotional intelligence than that of males. Most of the studies have used self-report measures to evaluate emotional intelligence. The findings are discussed in relation to future research on the role of gender and other factors to improve emotional intelligence.


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How to Cite

Jantina dan kecerdasan emosi: Literatur bersistematik : Sex and emotional intelligence: A systematic literature . (2018). The Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah Journal (JSASS), 5(2), 41-53. Retrieved from https://jsass.uis.edu.my/index.php/jsass/article/view/50